• The Yankees discussed acquiring Barry Bonds at a meeting of high-ranking Steinbrenners in Tampa, Fla. I still don't see it happening, but this sort of move that requires money instead of prospects, is the sort that would appeal to them. Of course, if you believe in the Bonds Conspiracy talk, you'll know it won't happen because the collusive owners won't allow it.
• The Post's Leonard Shapiro discusses the local radio changeover of Sports Talk 980 from a ClearChannel-owned Fox Sports station, to a Daniel Snyder-owned Redskinscentric, ESPN station. I am bummed about the replacement of Dan Patrick's show for the Colin Cowherd show. Listening to the infallible Cowherd is like a three-hour car ride with a know-it-all sibling. Unfortunately, like political talk shows that subscribe to the same Me-Smart-You-Idiot script, it somehow makes him highly popular. Doubtful that holds among UVA football fans though. I'll miss Patrick, who was never afraid to ask tough questions and bring on writers that were always on the ball with breaking news and insight. He wasn't afraid to jab at himself or his guests (like Reggie Miller's "full steam of head," gaffe). And his team in the production booth, Paulie, Seton, et al, were always entertaining. It's a good product, and now it's completely unavailable in Washington, D.C. (Baltimore's 105.7 FM) is the closest you'll come now.

• Rudy Giuliani's son was allegedly cut from the Duke University golf team for playing a team football game "harder than the other players liked." He's now suing the school, claiming the new golf coach manufactured reasons to kick him off the team. His reluctance to take a charge was not mentioned in the article, but is suspected by North Carolina fans.
• Chad Cordero is ticked at Nats GM Jim Bowden for spilling the beans about the non-tended contract on the radio before even discussing it with him. Cordero found out about the move from his father, whose friend heard the radio interview.
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