A co-worker today raised this question: Why is no one accusing Michael Phelps of doping?
Yeah, it's a question that stirs the pot, but isn't it legitimate? This guy is crushing the competition and setting world records like they were nothing. We've raised an eye
brow at everyone who's had even the slightest bit of success lately, but Phelps has been untouchable. Why?

Is it because he's tested regularly for drugs at the Olympics? (There's still no reliable test for HGH.) Is it because he's American? (If he was from China, you know people would jump on this ... just look at the skepticism surrounding what was most likely a misprinted age for gymnast He Kexin.
I personally don't think Phelps is doping. He'd have to be either pretty bold or pretty dumb to try. He probably has to slug down a gallon of water just to keep up with the little plastic cups they're passing his way. Plus, Phelps has improved incrementally since 2004. It hasn't been a spike like Floyd Landis or Barry Bonds or Marion Jones. This falls well inside the realm of credibility. Still, the sad reality is that we should probably be skeptical of any landmark athletic achievement until there is comprehensive drug testing that includes HGH. Sad, but true.
Great column from ESPN's Jayson Stark on Manny Ramirez today. I totally agree.
I'm working on a longer piece about the former Red Sox slugger and hope to have it up this weekend. Keep your eyes peeled.
On the music front ...
Political rock fans, rejoice! Rage Against the Machine will perform in Denver, coinciding with the Democratic National Convention. Here's a snippet from the press release:

"Rage Against the Machine has joined forces with the Iraq Veterans Against the War and Tent State University to perform as part of the "Tent State Music Festival to End the War" on Wednesday, August 27 at the Denver Coliseum. They will join the Flobots, The Coup, State Radio, and Wayne Kramer. Doors open at 9:30 AM, show begins at 11:00 AM."
I'm not one to turn up my nose at a chance to see this band, but wouldn't it make more sense if they were playing outside the REPUBLICAN National Convention? Isn't that what the Democrats are trying to do already?
"Press Pass" this week checks in with some of my favorites (Joe Purdy, Husky Rescue, No Second Troy) from interview past to find out Where Are They Now?
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